Get excited about how God designed you and the blessings that await you. However, the first priority is to know you. How would you introduce yourself to others? Remember no one knows you as well as you know yourself. So, lean how to encourage yourself and avoid roadblocks and distractions to your success.
Roadblocks are any barriers, hindrances or obstacles used to interfere with our enjoying life’s journey. Distractions are diversions to create anxiety to get our focus off of Christ Both may appear in the form of discouragement, distrust, no desire to move out of comfort zone, fear of failure, fear of rejection, wrong thinking, stuck in a rut, missed opportunities, laziness, intimidation, poorly defined goals, wrong relationships, etc. Be aware of your environment at all time to recognize and respond when necessary. Prayerfully consider the source and reason for the temporary blockade. Remember
Sometimes what may appear as a roadblock maybe God’s way of providing a detour to reroute directions to our destination because of an assignment that is awaiting us. Remember when Christ took the route through Samaria and His experience with the woman at the well (Jn 4:1-30). Thus, the importance of always praying to seek direction and when to release your potential.
The potential to succeed was engineered within us before we were born. We are fearfully and wonderfully made for a specific purpose; so we were designed to perform what we were born to accomplish. The design and destiny were decided before we were born. So upon entrance into the world through the passage way called birth we were equipped with the necessities to discover, develop and demonstrate our destiny. The relationships that are developed during our life’s journey will lead us to the resources that we will need to live a joyful and productive life. A productive life is greatly enhanced with growth and maturity. Our relationships and networks will also assist us in our growing to maturity and releasing our potential when necessary.
A demand must be made on potential in times of crisis or when new problems present themselves. Sometime those experiences will move us out of our comfort zone to develop new strategies that lead to accomplishments that would not have occurred if we had remained in the status quo. An increase in our confidence to successfully address future problems will also result. “But we glory in tribulations because it is trials and tribulations that worketh patience; and patience, experience, and experience hope: and hope maketh not ashamed” (Romans 5:3-5 KJV).
Hope has two dimensions. They include a desire and an expectation that the desire will be accomplished. Hope is the goal that we send our faith out to get. “ NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality[faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]” (Heb 11:1 AMP)
There will be more information on suggestions on how to encourage yourself while enjoying your life in future blogs.
Get my book “Equipped to En joy Life’s Journey “to learn more about how to successfully discover, develop and demonstrate your destiny with joy.