I pray that all reading this blog will be abundantly blessed and prosperous this year. Join me in thanking God for a New Year with new opportunities. Be encouraged to pray and praise daily knowing that prayer petitions and praise receives. The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous makes tremendous power available to release God’s ability and your potential in the situation challenging you. It is I through prayer (communicating with God) that we become aware of God’s desire that we discover, develop and demonstrate His predetermined destiny for our lives. His love motivates us to prepare to perform successfully when opportunity shows up at our address
God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (Jn 3:16 KJV). Christ manifested that love by showing us the character, mercies, grace, power, and faithfulness of God. His life demonstrated that God confirms His Word with signs and wonders following. He (the Word made flesh) is the author and finisher of our faith.
Jesus Christ as the Word of God made flesh who dwelt among people before and after His Resurrection serves as infallible (convincing, undeniable, reliable) proof (confirmation, evidence) that God’s Word is effective and efficient at all times in all settings (Jn 1:14; Acts 1:3) for all who believe and obey. God’s Word may be disagreed with but never annulled; doubted but never void of power; and debated but never destroyed. Idle time and words are costly. Christ said that every idle (non productive, unemployed, inactive, careless, useless) word that men shall speak, they shall give account (cause, intent) thereof in the Day of Judgment (Matt 12:36 Ampl). Those who are only hearers and not also doers of the Word are self deceivers (Jas 1:22 KJV). Follow Christ example and be wise investors of the gift of time. Speak expecting God’s Word to produce the results.
Desire for yourself what God desires for you; so speak that. Christ explained that He was not self appointed so did not on His own authority randomly or carelessly speak of Himself or to please others. He only spoke life and exactly what God told Him to say. Then, now and forever, all said in accordance with God’s instructions releases God’s ability to perform what has been spoken. (Jn 12:49-50). When we learn how to speak God’s Word in prayer and over our circumstances, then we can encourage ourselves in the Lord.
Paul encouraged himself and others with the Word of God. In I Corinthians 7:34-35, he is encouraging the church at Corinth to value the services of the single and married individuals. He informs them to remove the unnecessary road blocks that are preventing this. The roadblocks that are being referenced
The Expressions of God’s Love con’t
are those that will hinder and cause division and distraction to the unity of the fellowship. These included bitterness, an unforgiving spirit, and lack of faith, pride, strife, envy, confusion and every evil work. His instructions were to get rid of those barriers by making decisions based on the Word of God. His goal was not to yoke, bind or restrain them with a rule that was not from God so that the joy of serving the Lord together would not be hindered. He focused on unity in Christ and the blessings from each member’s spiritual gift and contribution being valued.
God values His Word; and we should be very grateful that He entrust us through His World to manifest His Will on earth as it is in Heaven. So, it would be wise for us to understand how it is in Heaven. We are citizens of heaven and ambassadors in the world; so we should know the characteristics and culture of both. God purposes us, Jesus prepares us and the Holy Spirit assists us to perform as representatives of the Kingdom of heaven .while we are journeying through earth. We understand that God is the source responsible for our resources. It is our relationship with Him that leads us to the resources available for us to be successful. These resources are often in the relationships that He connects us with. This is one of the reasons why we are reminded to love everybody and not to be critical or judgmental. Jesus taught “For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized, and condemned and in accordance with the measure you (use to) deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you” (Matt 7:2). God said that “That while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, and summer and winter, sand day and night shall not cease “( Gen 8:22. Paul told the Galatians: “Do not be deceived and deluded and misled: God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside). [He inevitable deludes himself who attempts to delude God]. For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap “( Gal 6:7– Amplified).
More information about How to Discover, Develop and Demonstrate Your Destiny is available in my book “Equipped to Enjoy Life’s Journey” –